Sunday, December 5, 2010

Fringe VS X-Files

I am quite bored right now. Well, let's doodle something here.

Peter Bishop consoling his father. Ayah dia suka merayau2 sdiri. Polis le hntr balik agaknye tu.

It's been almost 4 months or more since Fringe hit the local tv station. (don't you think this sentence mcm ayat dari mag? hehe). I've been following this tv series with a few misses and I think that it's quite interesting. Btullah producer/director citer ni ckp, ada mcm X-files sikit. Bukannya sikit, byk gak. Anyhow, it's quite addictive for me who likes this kind of tahyul stories. Mcm citer2 tahyul X-Files tu.

Agent Dunham (FBI) yg tersalah pangkuan. Explains the face, kan?

But the thing with Fringe is the character that draws viewers to watch is Dr. Walter Bishop. Dr. yg agak mereng, with peculiar behaviour and dialog2 yg selamba katak yg mampu dituturkan dengan bersahaja. We almost feel sorry for this guy disebabkan his mereng'ness but I find it quite adorable watching him in his character. His son act as his guardian after they released Dr. Bishop from the asylum. They both help Agent Dunham to solve unexplained mysteries.. sama kan mcm X-Files?

I have better hair in this season kot?

Tapi dlm X-Files, boss diorg usually doesn't agree with them.. In Fringe, boss yg berkilat nih, sllu ngat mintak tlg Olivia (nama panggilan kt rumah).

For X-Files, the characters they first highlighted was Dana Scully and Fox Mulder. Scully initially was assigned to debunk mendapa misteri dlm X-Files and report to her superiors and later on joined Mulder (knp la mak dia bgi nama Fox? tak ssuai) in their cruise to unveil the truth. But whatever they did, ade je government dia cover. Those who are not a real fan of X-Files juga akan menganggap citer ni tahyul semata. Sememangnya
ye juga. However, since these two series has the same genre.. jadi, aku pun gemor je
2 main characters, Mulder and Scully. Promo pic, sebelum budget ditambah.

Noticed how Scully's hair is better now? Budget lebey. Mulder takde, dia gaduh dgn minah ni.

Bila start aje ada tukang2 karut besides Scully and Skinner ni.. I stopped watching X-Files. Now that I have the collection of the DVDs, I find it hard to watch it back to back. Tgk slow2, time takde citer, then it'll be ok. How I wish I could light up their set. Trend citer ni la kot..Gloomy je.

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