Wednesday, December 15, 2010


There are some definitions of "berlengging". Takde kene mengena dgn legging pun..cuba semak ejaan. Berlengging means not wearing baju, just seluar aje to some, but I just use this word to illustrate the "freedom" when you wear something less, atau tak lengkap berpakaian. Keadaan berlengging ini most frequently found lately in my house, after some individuals went for their circumcision. (betul ke eja?)

Berikut adalah gmbr mereka (my nephews) yg telah ditapis setelah berkhatan. Kelihatan statik di tmpt baring sbb takleh gerak byk. These are the time they really2 behave. Sbb sakit, sume main sekali, dan tak ada perbuatan mocking (menganjing) antara satu sama lain.heee.

Above are the pictures of recovering children, with their special attire. The eldest just need a towel to cover himself, the middle one is "working" the attire of org Afrika kot. Well, dia kata dia pakai ihram. Seen here, the youngest was forced to wear his towel appropriately.. sbb dia lah yg selalu "berlengging". No mercy pnye budak.


Anonymous said...

linda: ape kes ni cite berlengging.....hehehe...

Anonymous said...

takde membabitkan sesapa yg len.. but if you like to do it, silakan.. jgn babitkan aku dh le..hehe-trinitoo