Monday, February 27, 2012

Not Stressed!


I am not stressed, at all. The weekend training went "WELL" and NOBODY kept calling me to ask me this and that... My superior didn't call me up to BRAG about things that should've been settled earlier. I wasn't TIRED and DRAINED. MENTALLY, I wasn't TIRED at all, PHYSICALLY too.

Sunday, February 19, 2012

60 out of 100

Coming events: Modul Preparation Course for Academic (will be carried out weekend)
Participant : Max participants are 100
Total now : Sekarang just 60 participant
Organizer : Mak n kawan mak..

Ada lagi tu.. dh lupa agaknya.. Current and x-superior tak ingat dh.. Layan..

Monday, February 6, 2012

Lagi2 Pendusta!


Berapa bulan dah ye? Dah over 4 months here.. Maybe I’ve been thinking too much. Padahal mmg aku ni maleh nk pikir2.

Nk cerita menda lain pulak. Last Friday night, I went to the bus terminal to buy ticket. I waited in the car while my sister went up to the counter. It was very hectic.. bus making stops, fleet of cars waiting and dropping off passengers. I waited and waited.. and then, I saw this man.. dlm 40s, agak berisi going back and forth. Ada aksi2 garu kepala.. dan menjenguk2. I was thinking that I saw this man before, somewhere. My mind was thinking..inike lelaki yang diwar-warkan meminta duit dari sesapa je..dgn alasan “kereta pakcik mati, minyak takde, and ada la citer tersadai somewhere” then asked for the nearest atm.. Selalunya ATM yg direquest tu mmg bukan ada dekat2 tempat tu pun..last2 dia akan mintak pnjam..pstu konon2 nk mintak akaun no.. nk bg blk duit. Oh, lupa.. dia konon2 dari Muadzam.

As I mentioned, I pnah terjumpa dia nih...time tu dpn Megamall. I just said..”sy takde duit”. Although nk pnjam RM10 aje.. just imagined..dia dh mintak dgn how many ppl dah? Even my other sis pernah dimintak (I think, org yg sama) dgn that same story. Time tu kat hospital.

Back to the night of the event.. This guy saw me.. agaknya I looked very much like a victim.. and menunjukkan sign, tunggu kejap.. dia nk bcakap. I don’t know where I got the courage, lantas mak pun menunjukkan dgn jari telunjuk ke arah pakcik ni (mcm mak2 budak sllu warning.. jaga kau! Satgi aku sebat!) smbil mulut mak cakap “Saya kenal pakcik!” wah.. begitu garang mak! Pakcik tersebut mcm terkejut. Smbil2 tu, I try to reach my phone.. (eleh, mcm la nk telepon polis kan?) as I looked up again, the pakcik has moved away. Takot la tuh… Bukannya apa, if he is sincerely lost (takkannya) dia akan tunggu di situ or dia akan try asking for help from others kan? Tp I saw him slowly moved away.. Gementar ?? (dlm pada tu..I made sure my cars are locked!)