Friday, December 31, 2010


I did'nt make any new year's resolution/s. Just like a friend of mine said.. we should make changes. I did try to make changes, it did'nt work. Or was it because of my weak will power? Contohnya, nk meniru rakyat jelata around me, at that time, to be more organized.. tak pun. I blamed myself.. takkan nk blame rakyat jelata. Or even to get married before 30.. well, u can make yourself believe bende tu blum dicapai.. ( assuming you are 30 for a few times lah). I even made a pact to get married with this guy if we weren't married by 3o. Huh! That darn cat! Got married before me! Ni, I blame that person.

Then, I tried to change to be more patient. Well, some times it works, some times it doesn't. Yg ni, takleh nk blame org je sllu, sbb sdiri pun took years to just "zipp it". Jgn mrh lbh2. Nk jd lebih pious, jauh lagi perjlnan. My bad nih. I want to manage my financial matters better, well, this one must work this year! Kena tgk how well it goes. Eat healthier..yup, health issues bothers me. And, one other thing, I should worry less.. this one, mungkin susah. Boleh la berlakon2 je tak susah ati, hoping I won't be a worry wort.

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