Wednesday, August 10, 2011


I used to dream of being a translator. Ikut la nk translate apa. Then, I imagined jd voice over certain cartoons (due to byk sgt suara2 yg sama jd watak yg dialihbahasa). Doraemon tu, suara yg amat memenatkan nk dgr, and I always wonder, smpai bila pmpuan ni nk bwk watak ni lagi??

Okeh, however, I wasn't planning on writing about being a "voice over" but, I wanted to display some of the ridiculous words that has been translated..loosely. Suka ati je nk translate jd apa... Kesian rasa bila tgk tv. Antaranya: Joystick - kayu ria (alat digunakan while playing computer games), collectibles - kolektibel (barang2 yg dikumpul krn minat).. yg ni tak pnah tau pun dh dieja jadi Melayu.

Kayu ria=joystick

contoh mende2 comel yg jadi "kolektibel"

There are other words that I think quite ridiculously translated in dialogues:

dlm cerita Bones " the injury was due to blow to the head" jadi "kecederaan adalah akibat "letupan" di kepala. Ada ka??? footage is now futej, belanjawan is now "bajet" je, dan picnic is no longer perkelahan, but rather "piknik".

I am no language expert, but seeing the words loosely translated makes me menyampah. Masih ingat lagi translation dari ayat "he is pathetic"= "dia cacing kerawit tak gune".. sedih2

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