Thursday, August 18, 2011

lift off!

Salam.. it's Friday. The day I presented the article reviews. I did just that.. with limited audience. Takpe2. Lagi syukur sbb I don't have to face any additional questions from them. I did last minute work (dapat sebulan dulu), tp was still debating (dgn diri sdiri) on the topic. Takut tak sesuai.. last2, belasah je la.. Effect on Instant Messaging pd Student's Writing Abilities.

Tak tersempat and takut silap kalau nk translate article English.. blasah je la, ckp cmpur2. Yang penting, what suits me atau dgn kata lain.. apa yang sempat je laa. The audience were nice..kikiki.. I was afraid of the questions given by the future PHD holders.. Mak tak suka nk jwb, tak retih...
Tp he was just giving his opinion..well, that, I can take. Thanks to friends yg tak lokek opinion.. Kalaula audience terpikir apa yg ahli lorong I boleh komen... I'm dead meat!

Hik hik..suka.. rasa something has been lift off me! Yeay.. ok.. projek seterusnya.. buat balik keje2 tbengkalai sbb susah ati ke mende nih.

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