Tuesday, April 5, 2011


Salam all.. today is quite tiring, but thanks to friends yg sudi menolong jaga tests and quiz, ok la sikit.

I think lately, I'm getting furious with various amount of crap that my friends and I have to deal with. Demotivated students=resulted in taking leaves this semester, missing students=dah carik.. but they wat kering je time bjumpa. No sense of remorse? yup.. pelik2, sbb quantity yg begini ramai btul skrg. Nak story? Esok lusa, tulat tubing je la.. but, however it looks like, I don't have the intention to be Viruddh Sastraboothi.. (ye ke? alah, that virus guy from 3 idiots). I don't want to be a person who forgets or ignore those budak2 yg takleh cope. But I think, in these recent situations, they weren't the ones yg takleh cope or nakal tak tntu psl. These are the "dried fruits", sbb suka buat kering kan?

Dulu we had students yg every week kene pi balai. Report kt balai due to certain case they're involved. Tp these boys are considered sweethearts. Nakal mmg nakal, tapi tak keji. They didn't cause trouble in class, if we tegur them of something, they don't even talk back, or act rude and they are the kamceng ones with most of us.

Kadang2 atau now2, selalu plak terpikir, maybe I'm not cut to be somebody who teaches or educates. Is it me who only think like this? tak rasanya.. these feelings will come bila stress and tension mai.. and it came, bila probs yg faced tu associated dgn students. Ntoh, kdg2 mnyampah gak.. Knapa la korang takleh blajar elok2, jgn wat mende2 tak gune, jgn menipu dah tu takde seni pulak menipu, and kenapa nk susahkan diri sdiri? Hmm.. ni agaknya ujian utk lebih sabor kot.. atau peringatan, for my future kids (IF sahaja) to not act like this or a reminder to me to find methods to handle these in the future? If so, am facing with trouble je gayanya..

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