Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Nasi Kukus

I have only bought nasi kukus twice in my life. Once from a pasar malam (time ni mcm teruja tgk steaming pots), the second time from a restaurant nearby my workplace. The latter I think were so much better 3 years ago. I had the chance to share it with a friend who could'nt finish it by herself. It took 3 of us to mkn abis. Skrg ni, tgh mkn, tp bleh mnaip2 lagi..nmpk sgt tak brp concentrate on it kan? Makna ha... tok sedap la tuu..And I wonder why so many people queue to buy it? Now I am eating it with a friend and tgh mmbuat ulasan knpa people find it so special? Smpai skrg, no clue..

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

dh lama sgghhhhhhhhhhhhhh tak mkn nasi kukus..bila lg wa???heheeh