Wednesday, February 16, 2011

So Bold

Salam.. again..

This afternoon in class, I was stunned to hear one student asked me " Miss, tak bwk roti kene kerit tikus arini". As if luka lama berdarah kembali, I stood in silence for a while.

The "roti" incident refers to last friday where as always, I brought some things to munch.. sharing2 lagi sronok. So, in the ziplock bag was roti john yg tlh dikoyakkan. Maklumla.. among member2, tak pyhla nk potong2. One student came, as I was opening the bag..and he said.."Miss bwk apa?, I ckp roti, He replied.. mcm kene kerit tikus je" I replied " aku tutup balik la.. baru ingat nk offer". Then another student came.. asking apa dia. The first boy mentioned that I brought something that looks like it has been eaten by a rat. I told the 2nd boy.. never mind.. I was thinking to offer anybody who came for something to munch, tp bila org dh ckp mcm tu.. takpela (bukan merajuk, tp tersinggung). The 2nd boy said, "Takpe Miss, bgi sy, and he took it". And said" sdp je" ha.. tu la, aku tau sdp sbb free...

Back to the 1st mentioned scene.. I said to the boy in class, "Ali (takde pun budak aku nama ali smpai arini, alejandro pun takdop), I won't say that kind of thing to anyone tau". He replied "tp, memang mcm kene gigit tkus kan Miss?" I said, " It doesn't matter how it looks, but if you offered me anything, I wouldn't dare say things like that".. It is so..... (nk ckp je kurang ajor), but I replaced it with.."inappropriate".. huh..nk marah gak.. tp sbb nk marah, tkuar english.. blagak dan riak gayanya.. and.. the 2nd boy who tasted the bread said "ish..Miss takdok bawok lg ke? Sedak tuu". haha.. nk gelak pun ada.. Tp wat kering je time tu.

I realize lama dh budak2 ni ada batch yg kurang asam, ada yg ok dan sangat ok. Tp it's a bit challenging when it comes to having to teach some manners to them. Btullah, compared to us, when we were young, when mums just stare and bulatkan mata kat kita, right there and then, kita akan terkedu and will stop doing what we were doing. Dah tau ada benda tak btul. But if it's kids nowadays.. kita bulat2 kan mata, or even if our eyes popped out, sumbat balik dlm soket pun, tak pasti they will realize their wrongs..

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