Sunday, February 6, 2011


Certainly everybody has their embarrassing moments, and I sure have. A few, or many of it. One I can recall is sliding on the road on the way to the Business Faculty. Turun2 bas.. jalan masuk simpang and slide..... Ramai plak walking to class.. but they ignored me. Takpela.. I can get up on my own.. Tercalar bum takpe.. tercalar prasaan kott.. Ish2, I pitied myself, and quite pelik knp org wat dekk. I should've wiped my forehead smbil ckp "Nasib baik smpat duduk.. Pnat btul rasa".. huh..A few weeks later, a fellow student, a girl slipped at the same spot. I was behind her.. helped her to get up (which she wat derkk plak) and I asked her if she's ok.. (which she replied with a sprint forward). Eh, aku plak malu sbb tanya beria. Tak patut, tak patut.

Have you ever hi'ed (sudah hai) anybody but it ends up you're saying hi to some strangers. Indeed it was embarrassing. I accidentally (sbb my action was unexpected: by me!) hi to one school senior a few years ago. I was so confident she looked like that and still looks like that today! I went up to her, asking how she was doing.. and mentioned her name too. She just shrugged and replied, she wasn't that friend. I was so and still confident it was her, but I just said sorry and informed she looked like that particular friend. Budak bilik aku dulu tuuu... takkan aku tak knal. Anyways, when I got back, I suddenly remembered, my senior a.k.a. my ex roommate has a twin. And that person I helloed doesn't even bother nk mention nih???? Tak patutttt..

Tu tak kira lagi recent events, in the hall. The students were so busy shaking our hands, salam2 sbb dpt jumpa blk for pre-convos. I was sitting on one of those auto flip chairs cam dlm wayang tu. This one girl, asyek hulur2 tgn nk slm, and she was on the front row. She couldn't reach me, so I got up a bit, salam and sat.. on the floor. Aduh.. kalau la I could turn to liquid, I would liquify myself and seep through the carpet.

One incident happened while I was on a friend's ride to KL. He gave me a lift together with his guy friend and his mother. They talked about a well-known nasi lmk restaurant. His mother said our PM loves eating there, and tmpat ni glamer.. I decided to be talky and state my point of view, which include " sy rasa takde sdp mana pun tmpt tu", "glamer je lbih kot", and masak nasi lemak sdiri berganda sedapnya". Lo and behold, my friend made a pit stop there, and his friend said "Mak suka kan makan nasi lemak sini?". hukhuk.. me and my mouth.

During my studies, a lecturer treat us for hi-tea at a hotel. Only a few of us were invited and he booked the whole floor. Hebatnya perasaan time tu. I was with my friends... discussing how deliciou the pastries and buns were. So, being a very bjimat cermat persons, we also discussed on ways to smuggle the swirly pastry with raisins which we simply call "Madonna's Boobs". (Kalau sesapa la masih ingat madonna perform pakai lingerie yg mcm time tunnel). So, while we were secretly discussing, our hands is putting the roti inside my friends bag. Sambil2 tu, while performing 'smuggling' action, this dear friend said " eh, jangan la obvious sgt".. right then tgn waiter mencelah antara kami smbil tersenyum menuang air.. Byk jugak ketika2 yg bongek mcm ni.. ni baru sikit

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