Sunday, November 7, 2010


Recently, I seldom open or do antyhing on my FB account. It wasn't that interesting, so I just open it whenever I feel like it, or when I'm so darn bored. There was this person who often post things showing his/her feeling @ activity yg seronok and not at all seems in difficulties. I remembered, once this person asked me for help to lend some pitih, although not much but promised to pay me back. A few months goes by, and being so "understanding" I didn't event mention about the debt. Day by day.. muka dia still happy di FB yet still nothing, nada, nill response psl pitih tu. Well, if kita takde duit, at least, show the curtosy to inform the people you borrowed about your recent financial situation whether you are making effort/no effort to pay it.

Another thing is.. ONLY, ONLY when we can pay our debt, should we make any loans. Taking big risks by making huge amount of loan/debt will sink you even deeper. Kalau ye pun kita nk follow, no pain no gain pnye tagline, pstikan the pain only involves oneself and will not become a burden to others. Especially when the pain involves money; it will surely be a pain in the ass.