Monday, May 31, 2010


Weeks ago my car got scratched.. bukan la scratched, sbb scratch bleh la sapu2 gune liquid nk kurangkan nmpk tu. This time, angkara mat rempit yg otak pnuh cow dung (bak kata suki dulu) yang sibuk nk terbang atas jln. Mujurlah I wasn’t the one who were driving, my bro. in law yg bwk. It happened kt Sg Ular, time tu.. the cars wasn’t moving fast since these mat rempit yg berbaju tshirt merah and with a round logo kat blkg was riding kiri and kanan jalan. Still, dlm pada keta tak laju.. seekor org with cow dung in his brain rode next to my car and bergarut keta dari pintu blkg ke dpn.. kemek siap.. tutup tyr siap tcabut.. Tak jatuh plak tu.. Malaun, curses.. curses.. pnuh 2 lori curses.. Apa barang nk baring atas motor? Org baring atas tilam.. tak pun atas jln trus..

Terkorek sume cat.. Am so so mad.. and sad. It’s not that bleh byr repair with bulu idung right? I think, most of us (well, kwn2 lorong X) afraid of motorists. Due to habit yg suka menyelit2 nih… menggusarkan para pemandu yg berhati2. Yg mcm pelesit gak, sama naik gak..lantaklah. And this costly incidents slalu berlaku pd org2 yg bukan daredevil atas jln.

Later that day, I saw these motorist with the same red shirt.. berlogo di tengah.. masuk Tepian Gelanggang.. Apakah? Curses and curses lagi…

I always wish there are some ways, I can stick out my legs and cause the bongets to fall hahahahahhahhahah. Ada gak mmber yg imagine, ada skrin that can display “various faces” to mock these “cow dungs”. A day after that, time static kat traffic light, still, one skuter himpit at the part yg terGORES DAN BENGANG tuh!.. Dia tolong kasi cabut sama cat yg bersisa hasil gores dan bengang pertama. Ni seekor org lagi yg very the chicken poop! Allah nk duga la nih.. tahap kesabaran.. sejelas2nye.. aku mmg tak sabor, especially bila dah couple of times gini.. Hina btullah gue… So, salute utk org yg mmpunyai tahap kesabaran yg tinggi. If only I can be one.

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