Thursday, April 29, 2010

Back When

Sitting around doing nothing, I think Back When..

I was in school, transition phase to university. Those were the days I consider as the “prime time” of my life. I wasn’t that “ old-fashioned” (as if); friends going out clubbing was fine with me, as long a I wasn’t dragged along. Couples around me is okay, as long as I didn’t witness anything that made me puke.

Gambar hiasan are my students jwb kuiz. Witness "kasut" jepun yg dipakai. Aku dah tak berdaya mendenda pakaian sebegini.. bior je laa
Students weren’t so daring back then. Anything that we want to say were always “subtle”. No harsh remarks, or any words that considered rude to our lecturers. Now, things are different. Responses like “Tau takpe, Tulah pasal” is so common, it made me wanna tarik muncung those who utter these “infectious” words. Oh, yesterday, I was invigilating exam. Seketul budak did not write the question number on the front page. Told him.. "Tlg tulis no. soalan." He wrote "1, 1, 1" in each box. I told him.. "tgk la no. soalan pd question paper, takkan semua 1" bleh dia ckp, "Dulu saya buat gini gak.. selamba je takde apa2", I replied, "Markah agaknye dpt selamba la jugak".. He said "tulah pasal.." Hih! budak ni aku nk tunjal je rasa.. Sabor je.. not worth to cakne ke dia nih

Lagi gambar hiasan: Antara mereka yg insaf and menjawab dgn bijak laksana

When I was studying, trips to café must be fully observed. I don’t like to queue behind my lecturers, afraid they will see what I ate. As generous as they were-paying for my friends’ and my meal, we felt guilty every time they took the bill. Nowadays, students coaxed you into treating them. Just when you’re about to take out your RM10 purse with RM5 note inside. How bold!

Back then, when you’re about to flunk any quizzes or tests, you bounced right back, working twice as hard as you used to. Now, failure in tests is an encouragement to do nothing and waiting to re-sit the paper.. THRICE!

Back then, trips with mini bus is carefully planned. No excuses such as “ I couldn’t get a bus” or “I woke up late” will be accepted. Class doors will be locked and you’ll be pleading to get in. Sometimes, you sneaked into the class just to be present. I don’t think students now will remember such memories as most of them don’t even bother to come if they are late.

I sure hope that once a while, we’ll meet these few students who still respect their teachers and treat you appropriately. I know some of them already are,.. yet, there are still those who doesn’t.. hmm.

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