Monday, March 11, 2013

A Pile of... Work laaa

 sronok baca what's written...funny..

Salam.. The work started piling..  My friends faces the same thing too.. well, most of my friends.  Dulu I sympathized with those teaching different programmes.  Now that I'm in it a couple of sems already..sepatutnye empathy ye..  Alah..tu pun kalau org phm.  I won't stay back at the office for nothing.  At least not without friends kan..

 This is me taking a break, with seketul buah atas meja..Believe it or not, buah sebesor tu dikongsi 10 orang.  This morning, invigilate exam with K Ja (jiran terdekatku), dgr presentation, terima assignment, buat skema...(smbil nangis dlm ati)..memeningkan kpala dgn kelas yg perlu disumbat, etc2..
I think I need to take a break.  Lepak kt pntai.. dgn mmber2.  I miss sincere, nonsense, innocent and unselfish gatherings..  Sbb dlm setahun ni, byk sgt guilt, devilish, hurt and frustration terkumpul.. I am trying to educate myself not to hope..utk apa2.  The world is only a does everything that comes with it. 

p/s: terkadang missing new found and distance people.