Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Mkn2 with Students

A few days back I invited some students to my house.. just for a little treat..
Well, actually some of the "fund" came from the denda.. These denda include:

1. Pakai selipor ( although it costs RM50.. and ada berlian2.. it will still be considered a seliper)
2. T-shirt kolar bulat.
3. Jeans (this would include jeans cerah yg ala2 org tak perasan kain jeans)
4. Very2 short blouse and lengan pendek

hehe...pdn muka. Sometimes, these kids (yg dah leh jadik mak bpk budak) are funny. Asked them to mkn2 outside, transport la jadi prob. Tp ajak ke umah, bulleh ajer.
Above are the ones yang "menyenggeng bergaya" konon2nye. As if la kann. There are still those who were'nt in my class came.. Maklumla.. time mkn. The pics. are some who came.. I did'nt invite other friends. Reserve outing dgn mmbr2 next time.. baru tenang sikit.. leh concentrate on each other. Masa depa mai, I accidentally practised polisi, basuh pinggan sdiri, and buat air sdiri.. So, to those yg nak ajak ramai2 (esp students) mai umah, bleh la buat gini. Very practical and cut time preparing things for guests. Maybe I was'nt the best host la, tp diorang ni takdk hal.. as long as can eat. Hee...

K la, got to go. Till I have anything to write again. Chiao.


Mc Zue said...

sedihnya gambo kita takda pun.. hehehe TQ wa sebab dapt makan nasi ayam.. tapi nak makan makanan lain dah tak boleh nak sumbat.. kenyanggggg

Umar said...

hi wawa...sihat dok tuh...ingat dok sy nih.....kita kenai dr kwn kpd kwn...pastu jumpe kt kolej...kekekek...tuhlah, duk link dr blog ke blog..akhirnya link ke blog wawa nih...oklah, all the best yeee... :)

Eja said...

tu la mu mc...duk ngdp nasi ayam siap bertambah lg..dh x muat tangki nk mkn mknn lain...hehheee

Jankaulu said...

hehehe best dapat makan ramai rama

wawadave said...

thnks for comin on short notice. sumer savoury food, takde yg manis2 kan? takpe arh,gue dah cukup manis.. btw, i do know you umar.. kawan atas kawan.. tp kawan gak kan..hehe

Umar said...

nanti i p serbu kolej, u all buat mkn besar2an yee....k.eja, mczue, wawa sponsor mkn,bile tuh ek?