Tuesday, June 25, 2013

YE, Kami Memang Macam2


 I think it's been months I tak berapa berkebetulan.  Never mind that.. hiccups dlm idup la tuh..Anyways..the second convo baru berlalu dengan..err...dengan jayanya..err..and I was not involved as any committee this time.  Unlike last year's.  

The convocation was held last Saturday.  My friends brought along the kids to men"successful"kan event tu.  Suddenly I saw a balloon dh putus dari tali and lekat la kt siling.  Sbb tetibe I rasa mcm eyesore je bertenggek kt atas..I tried to korek2, bwk turun.  Knowing that I could use the chairs and table to amek belon tu tp heavy, korek je la dari bwh. 

 Ni percubaan sorang diri..org lain jd spectator..Depa gelakkan I.. cett

 Ok, because this guy is tall, boleh je dia amek..tp cpt sgt ptus asa... cett!(I think dia malu everybdy tgk)
 Ok..a friend lending a hand (or umbrella)..and we end up gelak lebih dari effort.
 Yup, Ma dh pegang kepala kerana tak tahan riuh rendah. Amek belon je kott..

 Nih, Miss Dee to the rescue (diingatkan bkn I takleh pnjat eh..berat je)

 Successfully..Org pmpuan mmg terer..haha

Usually, those who work in offices use their Friday breaks to shop kat mana2 malls.  But, I hated the road during peak hours and opted untuk ke tempat jual sayur..hihi. Takyah jumpe dgn jem.

 Thankfully, ada pengikut ye time tgk syur and beli sayur.

 We can also pose when buying vegetables..Kelass..
Sekian laporan untuk kali ini.


Jankaulu said...

mak dah jadi duta sayur ke?

Anonymous said...

dia bleh juga jadi duta buah2an, dan haiwan ternakan..tp kali ni peluang utk jd duta sayur..hihi..-trinitoo