Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Hadiah Birthday!

Salam.. Isnin baru ni, we had "high-tea" at the office (kafe je sbnrnya).. But before that, there are some present giving session. This is especially to those who just got married or just welcome new addition to their family till this April. So, sebelum sesi bagi hadiah kat mereka yg baru kawin and dpt anak, there are slide show session showing the faces of those who celebrated their birthdays till April.

When the slide show is playing, I wondered which picture that the committee had chosen to display. Daripada gaya dan gerak gerinya, I expect, tentulah gambar dari website. When it came to those birthdays on February.. terkejut aku! The picture taken dari FB? Sapa amek nih? I don't think I befriended those dlm commitee? Hmm.. Gambarnya?.. I was holding Yana's baby in that picture, and sebelah gambar tu tertulis:

Puan Azwa Suhada
11 February

Dang! I should've asked for more presents! Satu utk hadiah perkahwinan (nk suit dgn title), and another present for newborn (to give to Marissa yg didukung tuuu)

P/S: bye2 chances!

1 comment:

yaneo said...

hehe..u shud sue those people yg terlibat dlm slide tu..