Monday, August 31, 2009


Salam.. It's 2:00 p.m. and I was just thinking about ystrday's incident. Yesterday noon, I was on my way back from Pantai Selamat, beli brg. So, near my house compound.. there's a small junction. Lorong kecil bercabang 3. As always, I stopped before coming into the gate.. just like 6-7 metres lagi nk masuk pagar. I looked to the right and then left, making sure that there wasn't any cars or bikes, or budak2 nk lalu.. So, I straight away move towards the gate, when suddenly dah ada keta right in front of me! Astagha.. aku brake, the van(Citroen) brakes.. just
like a few centimetres lagi nk bumped into each other.. Spontaneously, I blurted the word, "Sorry" without looking at the van driver. Then, I proceed masuk gate. Come to think of it, I should'nt even say Sorry in the first place.. It' s not like I'm day dreaming.. I'm damn sure I did'nt.. lagi satu, I looked. Told my sister about the incident.. she said that the neighbour kat ujung2 deret umah tu, always speeding.. Logik gak.. Sbb, takkan la van tu kecik sgt till terlindung oleh rangka keta yg kecik tuh? Although, I am a little bit clumsy.. (yg tu diakui sdiri), I still cautiously melintas. That darn van.. Alhamdulillah., takde pape.. Thank you Allah. Just next time, I have to be careful when driving.. Be aware of the Citroen vans.. I realized there a lot of kampits driving these days..

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