Assalamualaikum wbh..
It is finally opened..well, the shop dkt2 rumah.. tmpat makan yang menjual frozen croissants, cakes, nsi2 etc. I went there on the opening (again) day, bought some croissants...smbil tanya, "aunty bukak smpai pukul brp?" Oopss.. was it aunty I called her? Or..dulu2 I panggil kak? Oh well, she got children yg dh keje dah pun..migh as well aunty (lebih moden, hip dan kurang ganggu perasaan..kot)
I went to the bus terminal to buy ticket. Got in line (quite a line la..), then this one girl asked me "cik, nk pegi mana?, damn sure it's not cik as in bunyi baku tu..yg bermakna miss.. it's more like cik (aunty's cik)..puih.. I quickly replied "KL" (yup..the org bandar sound yg dinyanyikan oleh jejantans dalam lagu Najwa Latiff tu)..I don't know why..mcm la style aku menyebut Kay Ell(dgn tongue upstairs akan mengubah the fact that that girl (yg hanya layak jadi adik) called me aunt!
Ini balasan utk panggil the kdai owner aunty ke?? Note to suki: I sure do know how u felt..cehh.
Sunday, December 23, 2012
Monday, December 10, 2012
Bekal Makan
Today I would like to talk abt the food you bring utk bekal. People might say siapa yg bawak bekal tu rajin, but you face the same food'll get bored. Whenever I bring food to the office, it usually became my lunch. Kalau masak sikit pun, the same amount of time will be spent, so might as well bawak bekal banyak sikit. Can kongsi2. Mmg mcm banyak, but you cooked a packet of 500 gm spagetti..buh dalam bekas..sorang2 mkn sikit2..takde maknanye dah..tak byk mana pun. Tadi ada one comment, "ko tak rasa ke mcm pegi skolah masakan? hari2 bawak sample makanan..hihih" tak kott....It's not hari2 anyway.
Today I would like to talk abt the food you bring utk bekal. People might say siapa yg bawak bekal tu rajin, but you face the same food'll get bored. Whenever I bring food to the office, it usually became my lunch. Kalau masak sikit pun, the same amount of time will be spent, so might as well bawak bekal banyak sikit. Can kongsi2. Mmg mcm banyak, but you cooked a packet of 500 gm spagetti..buh dalam bekas..sorang2 mkn sikit2..takde maknanye dah..tak byk mana pun. Tadi ada one comment, "ko tak rasa ke mcm pegi skolah masakan? hari2 bawak sample makanan..hihih" tak kott....It's not hari2 anyway.
Thursday, November 22, 2012
Not Going Anywhere
Ada satu mcm feeling ni semakin fed up..Got to embrace apa yang tersurat in the future, stop hoping for "unreasonable" things to happen sebab ianya takkan berlaku. Stop silly mistakes, be responsible for your actions.. buat tak tau. Jgn layan perasaan sgt, start feeling happy in whatever you do.. Biar berkat. Tak ke mana pun dgn feeling yg tak stabil tuh.
Ada satu mcm feeling ni semakin fed up..Got to embrace apa yang tersurat in the future, stop hoping for "unreasonable" things to happen sebab ianya takkan berlaku. Stop silly mistakes, be responsible for your actions.. buat tak tau. Jgn layan perasaan sgt, start feeling happy in whatever you do.. Biar berkat. Tak ke mana pun dgn feeling yg tak stabil tuh.
Tuesday, November 6, 2012
Are we getting better than before? It can be from different aspects.. For me, I am still the same person, but I look at things differently now. Sekarang lebih banyak sedar dari unconscious.. (walau I still wear the same clothings). Bila ingat2 balik..takde bekal2 pun diri ni. No harta (this is general waima harta spesifik pun takde). Orang2 dekat2 ni nampaknya semakin "baik" peribadinya.. Me?
Mode: Worries..and this mode better stay in kepala.. or else, aku start "unconscious" balik..
Are we getting better than before? It can be from different aspects.. For me, I am still the same person, but I look at things differently now. Sekarang lebih banyak sedar dari unconscious.. (walau I still wear the same clothings). Bila ingat2 balik..takde bekal2 pun diri ni. No harta (this is general waima harta spesifik pun takde). Orang2 dekat2 ni nampaknya semakin "baik" peribadinya.. Me?
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bekal ni..bwk masa idup |
Sunday, October 21, 2012
Pre Convo
Last Friday was pre-convocation at the workplace. I was not..yup..was NOT one of the AJKs..but I got "lasered/questioned" dlm 1 occasion...well, tu la asam garam yg kdg2 mmg byk asamnye...hihi..
Anyway.. due to certain predictable circumstances, I chose to help my friends at the belakang tabir.. Hmm..sebenarnya...mmg patut pun. Kesian mereka dan AJK mereka..hihi..ushers went up, came down and out right after the VIPs sat. Ke manakah mereka? seb baik de bidan2 yg sudi menerjunkan diri..tlg2 org sekarang, hrp2 kita akan ditolong kdian..betulkn? ada btul, ada tidaknya..
Last Friday was pre-convocation at the workplace. I was not..yup..was NOT one of the AJKs..but I got "lasered/questioned" dlm 1 occasion...well, tu la asam garam yg kdg2 mmg byk asamnye...hihi..
Anyway.. due to certain predictable circumstances, I chose to help my friends at the belakang tabir.. Hmm..sebenarnya...mmg patut pun. Kesian mereka dan AJK mereka..hihi..ushers went up, came down and out right after the VIPs sat. Ke manakah mereka? seb baik de bidan2 yg sudi menerjunkan diri..tlg2 org sekarang, hrp2 kita akan ditolong kdian..betulkn? ada btul, ada tidaknya..
Tuesday, October 16, 2012
These few days or week..I noticed yg. myself kept wearing kayen batek a lot.. Not at home, but to work. A friend said to me once I arrived this morning.."batik again?"..ho oh laaa...
Kemungkinanla sbb. dulu....masa sup bunjut....(err..iklan lagi), dulu, time mak pegi keje..I watched her puntal the kain batik (yg lepas tp tak pernah dan jgn pernah terlepas) in the morning. She got byk, and I think that, bila lgi nk belasah klu bkn ke kerja. One thing that orang tak berapa nk buat is to biarkan anak2 mereka yg bersekolah (rendah dan menengah) memakai kain yg tidak berpinggang (berjahit siap di pinggang). Kenapa? sbb it takes time utk menyusun sisi (utk bju kurung) dan mengilas kain atau mengikat kain (utk kebaya). My mak buat.... dia membiarkan anak2nya, mengikat kain sdiri dengan tali pinggang kain juga. (tali rafia takleh..)
baju kebaya arwah tok (berpoket) tp too fragile dh.. gemor sungguh kawan bju ni..pnah pkai once je..time berat 51 kg..kikiki
Time darjah 1-2, byklah episod kain sllu dirumah je laa.. kami tak pnah plak komplen. Takut kene marah agaknye.Bila duduk asrama sek men, baru la ada la 3-4 pasang baju berjahit kainnya. Now, I realized, byk faedahnya bila dibuat begitu.
Tapi kan..kebelakangan ni, ramai gak yg start memakai kebaya dikeliling. I wonder depa pakai "tali pinggang hikmat" ke tak???hmmm
My own term (used while talking to my friends):
kebaboh!=kebaya laboh
keba'nnjang=kebaya panjang sikit
kebah=bila dkt nk baik demam
kepam=bau busuk bila org tak mandi, atau bau stokin dlm tmpt ttutup, atau bau durian mcm tadi dlm opis..blearkhhhh!
These few days or week..I noticed yg. myself kept wearing kayen batek a lot.. Not at home, but to work. A friend said to me once I arrived this morning.."batik again?"..ho oh laaa...
Kemungkinanla sbb. dulu....masa sup bunjut....(err..iklan lagi), dulu, time mak pegi keje..I watched her puntal the kain batik (yg lepas tp tak pernah dan jgn pernah terlepas) in the morning. She got byk, and I think that, bila lgi nk belasah klu bkn ke kerja. One thing that orang tak berapa nk buat is to biarkan anak2 mereka yg bersekolah (rendah dan menengah) memakai kain yg tidak berpinggang (berjahit siap di pinggang). Kenapa? sbb it takes time utk menyusun sisi (utk bju kurung) dan mengilas kain atau mengikat kain (utk kebaya). My mak buat.... dia membiarkan anak2nya, mengikat kain sdiri dengan tali pinggang kain juga. (tali rafia takleh..)
Time darjah 1-2, byklah episod kain sllu dirumah je laa.. kami tak pnah plak komplen. Takut kene marah agaknye.Bila duduk asrama sek men, baru la ada la 3-4 pasang baju berjahit kainnya. Now, I realized, byk faedahnya bila dibuat begitu.
Tapi kan..kebelakangan ni, ramai gak yg start memakai kebaya dikeliling. I wonder depa pakai "tali pinggang hikmat" ke tak???hmmm
My own term (used while talking to my friends):
kebaboh!=kebaya laboh
keba'nnjang=kebaya panjang sikit
kebah=bila dkt nk baik demam
kepam=bau busuk bila org tak mandi, atau bau stokin dlm tmpt ttutup, atau bau durian mcm tadi dlm opis..blearkhhhh!
Monday, October 8, 2012
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mmber rempit.. Paling rempit time konvo..penat2.. |
Ni mmber seke"peningan". An old friend, but we got close lately. Maybe tak lama juga nk close. Dulu time keja cam kt bawah ni, keje selalu dibawa pulang. Walaupun begitu, suka juga ati. Lots of work, yet our hearts said yes, yes, nk work tomorrow. Quote dari K Mizah ("rasa selok nk g keje").. It is so true.
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1st training. 3 kotak mineral diangkat ke 3rd floor dgn kederat:yours truly.. |
Saturday, September 8, 2012
Ready, Get Set..
Many friends left, and still leaving.. I just have to get ready.. losing is hard.. Especially when bonds are created.. Ada macam hollow je.. I have to get ready, get set, lose.. again
Many friends left, and still leaving.. I just have to get ready.. losing is hard.. Especially when bonds are created.. Ada macam hollow je.. I have to get ready, get set, lose.. again
Thursday, September 6, 2012
Current Issues
Looking at the above topic..bunyinya plural kn?Sbb mmg lots of incidents, coincidence and mostly "accidents" yg jadi. Overall, byk silly and stupid suggestions that had become decisions been made. I think la... mybe sbb berikutan episod dahulu2, ramai sangat org berkata bodoh, stupid, became doa'. Allah dah perkenankan gayanya..huuuu.. Salahkah kami??
p/s: kesimpulannya, berkata la yg baik2 sahaja (susah btul nk didik hati n diri nih)
Looking at the above topic..bunyinya plural kn?Sbb mmg lots of incidents, coincidence and mostly "accidents" yg jadi. Overall, byk silly and stupid suggestions that had become decisions been made. I think la... mybe sbb berikutan episod dahulu2, ramai sangat org berkata bodoh, stupid, became doa'. Allah dah perkenankan gayanya..huuuu.. Salahkah kami??
p/s: kesimpulannya, berkata la yg baik2 sahaja (susah btul nk didik hati n diri nih)
Wednesday, August 1, 2012
A Very Quick Trip
I went to Jilongpo previous weekend just to buy some stuff from the baking shop. I know that the trip is not as grand as a trip to Genting or Tioman, but it's still is important. I've never been to either mentioned places, and it would be nice if anybody would like to offer me to go. Busy ke tak..kene tgk la plak dok? Apapun, these are a few pics snapped. Tak sangka btul, ramainye org beli mende buat kuih.
I can't even take the pics properly. Mcm Jalan TAR night before raya.
Oh, btw, I forgot to mention that it is located at Jalan Haji Taib. Wlupun kira Red District, this is the place people (women, family) can go tanpa apa2 rasa takot. Bln puasa ni, smpat nk tergelak bila lalu dkt kupu2 yg diragui gender, yg sedang mengomel sdiri "hish, mana dia nih, aku suh beli rokok tak balik2 lagi" hihi.. Kasor je gaya sore.
Dkt tmpat peralatan kek, kurang sikit orang.. bulan puasa ppl make biscuits la kan..
This is where I's quite new. The wall is painted with design.. Noticed my stuff was there..tak berkemas lg
I only had these for buka puasa.. Later on.. hit the road for nasik..and go for a spin di KL.
I only had these for buka puasa.. Later on.. hit the road for nasik..and go for a spin di KL.
While sight-seeing, we hit the road of the many night clubs. Customers are still there, but maybe a bit lesser compared to months before Ramadan (hmmm.. adakah mereka menghormati bln puasa? Dan siapakah orang2 itu?)
Then, I saw this night club yang sangat bertemakan raya.. Nama "kalabul malami" nya ialah alcohol kegemaran Jack Sparrow. Perghh, dkt entrance, there were 2 familiar figure... life sized or even bigger. Patung Upin n Ipin, siap berbaju melayu..Huh..Smpena raya? ish3.. I don't think Les Copaque agrreed to any of this display kt tempat2 hebat tuh..
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