Wednesday, January 26, 2011


Right now, Id and me is holding a Coughing Championship. The contestants? Only both of us.. and the competition will be going on till midnight. I think I am winning from aspects such as: Dryness, Loudness (mcm group rock plak sbb ada group heavy metal nama loudness, none tht it matters pun), while Id is trying to get the cup (mungkin cup sebenar) in aspects such as: Semputness, Sengauness and Demamess.. hihi. Hidungnya pun berlari-lari.. (running nose?) Abihla kene tunjal dgn pakar bahasa melayu mcm nih. Since it started to rain again, I think the coughing is getting worse. The budak2 did mention "Miss, gi spital lah".. well, concerned kot.. thnks.. but I think it's more to "Cancel kls pun ok". Yeah right.. Perit tul tekak.. it's not like I can buh minyak pelincir or wht not.. Batuk dh ada bunyi cam Aji Bakhil pun ada..Aduu.

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